A couple of notes - first, the final texture is pretty chunky for a pudding or custard, so purists may be disappointed. Second, I purchased my desiccated coconut at the same Asian supermarket where I found the coconut jam - I'm not sure American markets have it as finely shredded.
Quick and easy coconut "pudding" -
1 can coconut milk
1/2 cup finely shredded/desiccated coconut
1/2 cup honey/agave/sweetener of choice, to taste
1/4 cup Filipino coconut jam (matamis na bao) to use as topping
Blend the coconut milk with the next two ingredients, pouring the shredded coconut in bit by bit until you achieve desired thickness. Once you're satisfied with the taste and texture of your mixture, you can decide how you want to freeze/store it. I poured mine into small covered bowls, so I could defrost as needed. And of course, the coconut jam - I used a knife to swirl it across the top of each bowl.

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