
Monday, May 17, 2010

NYC's East Village - Dietary Restriction Heaven

NYC is a wonderful, vibrant place with innumerable food options - and as a general rule, I've tried to explore as many as possible... the spicier and more foreign, the better! But sometimes I wish I could enjoy some of those classic American foods: macaroni and cheese, ice cream - dairy central. Enter the East Village. Generally the territory of the young and hip, it's also (consequently) where you can find foods and merchandise that might ordinarily serve more of a niche market.

I had done some research, and been pleasantly surprised to find that S'MAC was advertising "Vegan and Reduced Lactose Mac & Cheese." Intrigued, but dreading the possibility of soy, I clicked through. A coconut milk base, they said! That settled it, I was going in. And while I was in the neighborhood, I wanted to leave with some non-dairy ice cream courtesy of Stogo, just a few blocks away. According to their site, there were several soy flavors, but also some made with hemp, and some made with coconut milk.

Once at S'MAC, the girl at the counter clarified that truly vegan mac & cheese would not have any cheese at all. "But you have goat cheese?" They did. OK then, vegan base, goat cheese, and some add-ins. It was fantastic - my only regret was not having gone for a larger size.

Later in the evening, I wandered into Stogo, noting that only in NY would there be 2 other ice cream vendors around the corner (one was an artisanal ice cream truck). I was disappointed to find that there was no Maple Walnut Hemp ice cream, but the Mango sorbet and the Coconut Vanilla were amazing. Mental note: time to buy So Delicious Coconut Vanilla ice cream to keep in the freezer at home.


  1. Oh how I love NYC for vegan fare!! A few years ago my husband and I traveled around Manhattan with "The Vegan Guide to New York City" in tow. What a treat that was! We went to so many fantastic restaurants that were off the beaten path that we may not have gone to without our trusty guide.
    I came acoss a recipe for a baked Mac and "Cheese" that I love...Give it a try sometime!
